Ship/FX: Pitney Bowes Onboarding
Consult the following page for more information on APIs and Ship/FX: API SSL Configuration for Ship/FX
- Pitney Bowes Account
- ShipperID (Customer Number)
*USPS Ship/FX transactions are through the Pitney Bowes API.
Setup USPS (Pitney Bowes) API Account
Consult the following PDF to implement Pitney Bowes/USPS: Pitney Bowes API Shipper/Merchant Registration and USPS Carrier Setup
Note: There will always be a ShipperID for sandbox and one for production. You will have to register for each environment separately. Most of the time, you will only need a production account, and not a sandbox account, unless one is needed.
Once you have registered with Pitney Bowes, provide the following to Minisoft:
- ShipperID production and/or
- ShipperID sandbox
Production Notes:
Once Ship/FX is configured for production with Pitney Bowes, produce two sample production labels from Ship/FX. Scan images of the labels and send them to your Pitney Bowes representative. Once complete, void the shipping labels for postage credit, which can be done through Ship/FX.
Quick links:

Alt tag: ShipFX