GS1 logistic labels (UCC-128, SSCC, B/L, PRO)
Note: For GS1-128 barcodes, view the following resource: GS1-128 (UCC-128/SCC)
eFORMz can generate GS1 logistics labels, also known as GS1-128 or UCC-128 labels. Download a sample eFORMz project here:
Serial Shipping Container Code
Carrier Routing Barcode (Ship To Postal Code)
First, create a variable for the ship to zip code (ShipToZip
in this example).

Create a variable by position for the ship to barcode (ShipToPostalCode
in this example).

Right-click the ShipToPostalCode
variable and select Add Function > Set Value
. Enter 420

Right-click the ShipToPostalCode
variable and select Add Function > Concatenate
. Select the ShipToZip

Right-click the table and select Add Row
. Adjust the row height (590.6, fixed in this example). Enter a descriptive name. Click OK

Right-click the row and select Add Cell
. Adjust the cell width to Ratio
, 6.0 in this example. Add a solid border on the right, thickness of 8.0.

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter Ship to postal code
. Adjust the font as needed. Click OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. This paragraph is for spacing.

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Table

Right-click the table and select Add Row
. Click OK

Right-click the row and select Add Cell
. For the cell width, select Ratio, 1.0. Click OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. This paragraph is for spacing.

Right-click the row and select Add Cell
. For the cell width, select Ratio, 2.0. Click OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. Click OK

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter (420)
. Click OK

Right-click the row and select Add Cell
. For the cell width, select Ratio, 3.0. Click OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. Click OK

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select ShipToZip

Right-click the table and select Add Row
. Click OK

Right-click the row and select Add Cell
. For the cell width, enter a fixed width (1520.0 in this example). Click OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. Choose a centered alignment. Click OK

Right-click the paragraph and select Add barcode... > 1D barcode
. Select the ShipToPostalCode
variable. Choose the CODE 128
option. Uncheck Generate checksum
if you already have the check digit in the variable value. Adjust the width and height as needed.

Bill of Lading (B/L) / Progressive Number (PRO)
The BOL number identifies the specific bill that was used in a carrier transaction. The progressive number, or PRO number, is used to track a specific order tendered to a specific carrier.
Right-click the respective data nodes (Carrier, BOL, PRO) and select Add Variable

Placing the Carrier, B/L and PRO
To begin, right-click the carrier routing barcode row and select Add Cell

Adjust the width and padding as needed. Click OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter CARRIER:

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select the Carrier

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. This is merely for spacing purposes.

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter B/L:

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select the BOL

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. This is merely for spacing purposes.

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter PRO:

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select the PRO

Purchase Order / Department Number
Video tutorial here: Add the PO# and the Dept# (GS1 Logistic Label)
Right-click the PO
data field and select Add Variable
. Click OK

Right-click the Dept
data field and select Add Variable
. Click OK

Right-click the table and select Add Row
. Click OK

Right-click the row and select Add Cell
. Make the font bigger. In this example: Arial, size 14 and bold. Add some padding. In this example: Top, 90.0, Bottom, 50.0. Once the adjustments are made, click OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. Click OK

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter PO:

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select PO

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter DEPT:

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select DEPT

The purchase order number and the department number will display.

Serial Shipping Container Code
The serial shipping container code (SSCC) is an 18-digit barcode used to scan and track cartons and pallets. It is a key element of a GS1 logistic label. Video tutorial here: SSCC (GS1 Logistic Label)
SSCC variable
Right-click the SSCC
data field and select Add Variable

Select OK

Application Identifier variable
Right-click the SSCC data field and select Add Variable
. Change the name to ApplicationIdentifier

Right-click ApplicationIdentifier
and select Add Function > Substring
. Set the starting character position at 0 and the number of characters at 2.

Right-click ApplicationIdentifier
and select Add Function > Insert String
. Enter ( at character position 0.

Right-click ApplicationIdentifier
and select Add Function > Insert String
. Enter ) at character position 3.

Extension Digit variable
Right-click the SSCC data field and select Add Variable
. Change the name to ExtensionDigit

and select ExtensionDigit
Add Function > Substring
. Set the starting character position at 2 and the number of characters at 1.

GS1 Company Prefix variable
Right-click the SSCC data field and select Add Variable
. Change the name to GS1CompanyPrefix

and select GS1CompanyPrefix
Add Function > Substring
. Set the starting character position at 3 and the number of characters at 7.

Serial Reference variable
Right-click the SSCC data field and select Add Variable
. Change the name to SerialReference

and select SerialReference
Add Function > Substring
. Set the starting character position at 10 and the number of characters at 9.

Check digit
If the SSCC doesn’t have a check digit, it can be generated with the UPC-EAN check digit
function. First, create a variable for the SSCC value.

Right click the variable (SSCC-CheckDigit) and select Add Function > UPC-EAN check digit

Place the SSCC number
First, right-click the table and select Add Row
. Click OK

Right-click the row and select Add Cell
. Select OK

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. Click OK

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Adjust the font as needed.

Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. From the Alignment drop-down menu, select Centered
. Adjust the font as necessary. Click OK

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select ApplicationIdentifier

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter a space.

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select ExtensionDigit

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter a space. Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select GS1CompanyPrefix

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter a space. Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select SerialReference

Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Text value
. Enter a space. Right-click the paragraph and select Add text... > Variable value
. Select SSCC-CheckDigit

Place the SSCC barcode
Right-click the cell and select Add Document Component > Paragraph
. From the Alignment drop-down menu, select Centered
. Click OK

Right-click the paragraph and select Add barcode... > 1D barcode
. Select the SSCC
variable. Choose the CODE 128
option. Uncheck Generate checksum
if you already have the check digit in the variable value. Adjust the width and height as needed.