3PLs, ecommerce logistics and dropship requirements

En español 3PLs, ecommerce logistics and dropship requirements With increased ecommerce orders, many companies are outsourcing their logistics activities. Distribution, storage, transport and fulfillment services are outsourced to third-party logistics (3PL)...

Ship/FX and Electronic Export Information (EEI)

Ship/FX and Electronic Export Information (EEI) Electronic export information, known as EEI, is information about a shipment that must be filed through the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). According to the International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of...

Let’s talk about the white space (of the label)

En español Let’s talk about the white space (of the label) Retailers want one platform to manage all customer communications, creating a consistent customer experience across channels and devices. It’s all about convenience and consistency: optimizing customer...

Dropship output options

En español Dropship output options To be a successful drop shipper, it’s important to generate outbound shipping documents, such as packing lists, that match your retail partner’s specifications. eFORMz not only generates complex business documents, but Minisoft...