eFORMz Release 2022.1
eFORMz® 2022.1 focuses on integration enhancements
SNOHOMISH, Wash.—January 5, 2022—Minisoft Inc., a leading provider of forms generation, document application development, transactional email, transactional two-sided label and multi-carrier shipping solutions, is pleased to announce eFORMz release 2022.1!
In this release, Minisoft’s eFORMz already robust integration capabilities received a significant boost:
- Accept-Encoding gzip to Web Service improves data compression, streamlining data retrieval.
- Odometer is a persistent number that increases, accessible as a declared constant, which is particularly useful in retrieving tokens.
- Modbus integration facilitates communication with Modbus/TCP. eFORMz integrates with a number of material handling equipment (MHE) systems, communicating directly with the most common automation protocols and languages, such as Modbus/TCP, CIP and EtherNet/IP.
- HTML to Image converts HTML to an image.
- Handle XML attributes converted to JSON improves handling of data in mixed XML/JSON environments. XML makes a distinction between elements and attributes, while JSON doesn’t. While parsing data from an XML node, if eFORMz sees the @ sign (XML attribute) but no data, it looks to see if there’s an element.
- The System Variable Project Path contains the directory path of the project being called from outside.
For more information, contact us today.

About Minisoft
Headquartered in Snohomish, Washington, Minisoft is a worldwide leader in developing and delivering forms and label generation, document application development, transactional email, transactional two-sided label and multi-carrier shipping solutions. Minisoft also provides connectivity and middleware tools for legacy business systems such as IBM iSeries and Hewlett Packard. Since 1983, Minisoft has prided itself on providing innovative software technology. Driven by the experiences and feedback of our customers, Minisoft continues to affirm its mission of delivering superior software solutions.