is a predefined Queue Monitor variable. Queue Monitor variables are defined in the Director Toolkit. They can be accessed in a project by defining a Queue Monitor variable and giving it the same name as the variable defined in the Director Toolkit. QMComponentFiles defined as a global variable sends a list of files back to the Queue Monitor. Add QMComponentFiles
as a global variable by right-clicking the project and selecting Add Global Variable.

Those files listed will have the same disposition as the main data file, that is, a comma-delimited string of file names.
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_SPFNAME = COLLATE
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_USERDATA = PK10RERP
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_JOBNAME = SDBLACKBUB
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) datafileext =
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) queue = /QSYS.LIB/QUSRSYS.LIB/MINISOFT.OUTQ
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_SAVE = *YES
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_JOBUSER = SDBLACKBUR
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_COPIES = 1
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) datafilename = COLLATE
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_USERDEFDATA = *NONE
0000000088 (12/1/16 1:19:02 PM) iSeries_SPLFSTATUS = *READY
Input Variables:
( “iSeries_COPIES”);
( “iSeries_USERDATA”);
( “iSeries_USERDEFDATA”);
( “iSeries_SAVE”);
( “iSeries_JOBUSER”);
( “iSeries_JOBNAME”);
( “iSeries_SPFNAME”);
( “iSeries_SPLFSTATUS”);
( “iSeries_FILENUMBER”);
( “iSeries_JOBNUMBER”);
( “iSeries_FORMTYPE”);
( “iSeries_AUX_POOL”);
Output Variables:
After adding QMComponentFiles
as a global variable, use a Set Variable procedure to set QMComponentFiles
to a specific value.

Finally, configure an eDIRECT process in the Director Toolkit.