NAFTA Certification of Order Editor (activeFORMz app)
The NAFTA Certificate of Origin Editor is a Minisoft activeFORMz project that provides additional functionality to the NAFTA Certificate of Origin by:
- Loading data from a file
- Displaying the data on a webpage
- Allowing edits on the webpage
- Outputting the data in a selected format
The NAFTA Certificate of Origin Editor runs through the Minisoft web server and begins with a file selection screen:
1. Files can be added and removed from the left file list to right file list using the ‘Add Files’ and ‘Remove Files’ buttons. Files can be shifted or ctrl-selected to add or remove multiple files.

2. Selecting ‘Submit Files’ will load the relevant data from the files, Sales Orders in this case, and display them on an activeFORMz web page.
3. After selecting ‘Submit Files’, the NAFTA Certificate of Origin Editor opens with relevant information filled-in for the NAFTA Certificate of Origin (in this case, Sales Order SO1016_ABC.xml):

- The Producer information has defaulted to Available to CBP upon request.
- These Producer fields can be modified as desired on the activeFORMz page.
- The Description of Goods is loaded from the sales order, along with:
- HS Tariff Classification Number
- Preference Criteria
- Country of Origin
- The fields for Producer and Net Cost can also be loaded from the file
The fields for item 3 (Producer Information), item 8 (Producer) and item 9 (Net Cost) are modified in the editor:
4. The signature and company fields on the bottom of the NAFTA certificate are available to fill-in. These could also be loaded from the input file if the data is available.

5. Then, the ‘Generate Certificate’ push button is selected.
6. Pressing the ‘Generate Certificate’ button saves the required data for the NAFTA Certificate of Origin in the proper file type and location for archiving or later processing.
7. After pushing the ‘Generate Certificate’ button, the activeFORMz page returns to the file selection screen where the user can select another file for the NAFTA editor.
8. Repeat the process.
The list boxes, text boxes and the ‘Generate Certificate’ button are examples of activeFORMz input fields. For a complete list of activeFORMz input fields, consult the following: Input Fields