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Director Endpoint with ServiceConfiguration (API/Web Service Call)

Please refer to the following post for more details: eFORMz API Management (Developer Resources)

There are two primary endpoints available to eFORMz customers. These are the ‘director’ and ‘output’ endpoints. For more on the ‘output’ endpoint, consult the following post: Output Endpoint with ServiceConfiguration (API/Web Service Call)

An “endpoint” is one end of a communication channel. When an API interacts with another system, the touchpoints of this communication are considered endpoints. For APIs, an endpoint can include a URL of a server or service. The place that APIs send requests and where the resource lives is called an endpoint.

The ‘director’ endpoint returns success or failure only. It processes data in the background. The ‘output’ endpoint processes data during the call and returns the results as part of the web service call. Both of these endpoints can take parameters either through the URL or in the data.

While the portion of the URL with authentication is encrypted for transmission, many people have policies restricting this practice. Passing the parameters in the data, including authentication, is possible using either XML or JSON. The order or sequence of elements in either format is not relevant to the processing.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServiceConfiguration ServiceType="director" Host="localhost" Port="9996" ConfigurationName="accessible.cfg" QueueName="Accessible" NameTemplate="data_.xml" ProcessData="true" UseParmsAsData="false">
  <InputData usepostdata="false" format="XML" encoding="none">




For more details on the eFORMz API, consult the following posts:

eFORMz API .NET Web Service Call
eFORMz API URL Parameters
Web Service POST call to “Wake Up” a “Sleeping” Queue: Part 1
Web Service POST call to “Wake Up” a “Sleeping” Queue: Part 2
Web Service POST call to “Wake Up” a “Sleeping” Queue: Part 3
Web Service POST Call Output Advantages
Web Service POST Call Output

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